Cairo Illinois Shotgun House

The summer of 2013 I worked with fellow SIUC students and a local Youth-Build group to restore a historic shotgun home that was in poor condition. The objective of our work was to clear the site, demolish unusable portions, and repair any structural damage.

Work began on May 14th and concluded on June 6th.


The home was in poor condition having been left vacant for years. Sections were open to the elements and water damage was present throughout the structure. In particular the rear exterior wall was mostly rotted.


Our time was focused on the exterior. The team after us would continue inside.


Stabilizing the rear wall was a priority as that section of the house would sway in a strong breeze.


There was a large tree behind the house that prevented the sun from drying the roof. The second floor also had severe water damage.


We repaired the brick foundation which had collapsed in one corner.


There was a brick chimney which needed to be removed to meet code.


We placed tarps over the roof sections we had removed.


We filled nearly four dumpsters by the time we left.